Battle Calculator takes community engagement seriously. That’s why we offer meaningful recognition to our Contributors through our Battle Credits system.
Here’s how you can accumulate credits:
Contributor Status | Activity or Contribution | Battle Credits |
Basic Contributor | Website User Registration | 100 |
Basic Contributor | Daily Login | 10 |
Submittor | Submit An Article | 20 |
Submittor | First to submit complimentary or revised info (eg. screenshots) | 15 or as noted |
Submittor | First to submit statistical info (eg. spreadsheet) | 35 + |
Submittor | Constructive feedback on tools | 10 to 20 |
Promotor | Link to us | 50 |
Scoutor | Have your new game suggestion selected to be featured on the website | 100 + |
Dissector | Assemble base game data and assist in tool development | 200 + |
Codor | Computer programming of data and tools (typically JS) to be hosted on the website | 500 + |
‘Battle Credit’ Rules and Conditions:
- ‘Basic Contributor’ credits are automatically applied. All other submitted content will be reviewed by BC Admin staff, and credits will be promptly added once the content is verified.
- Articles need to be original work.
- Submitted content will cite the author (eg. BC username, /u/Reddit, @Twitter, etc.) where available.
- Credits can not be transferred to other accounts.
- Battle Calculator reserves the right to interpret and modify the ‘Rules and Conditions’ as necessary.