Battle Credits

Battle CreditsBattle Calculator takes community engagement seriously. That’s why we offer meaningful recognition to our Contributors through our Battle Credits system.



Here’s how you can accumulate credits:

Contributor StatusActivity or ContributionBattle Credits
Basic ContributorWebsite User Registration100
Basic ContributorDaily Login10
SubmittorSubmit An Article20
SubmittorFirst to submit complimentary or revised info (eg. screenshots)15 or as noted
SubmittorFirst to submit statistical info (eg. spreadsheet)35 +
SubmittorConstructive feedback on tools10 to 20
PromotorLink to us50
ScoutorHave your new game suggestion selected to be featured on the website100 +
DissectorAssemble base game data and assist in tool development200 +
CodorComputer programming of data and tools (typically JS) to be hosted on the website500 +

‘Battle Credit’ Rules and Conditions:

  • ‘Basic Contributor’ credits are automatically applied.  All other submitted content will be reviewed by BC Admin staff, and credits will be promptly added once the content is verified.
  • Articles need to be original work.
  • Submitted content will cite the author (eg. BC username, /u/Reddit, @Twitter, etc.) where available.
  • Credits can not be transferred to other accounts.
  • Battle Calculator reserves the right to interpret and modify the ‘Rules and Conditions’ as necessary.

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